School’s Out

The buses have stopped running, chalkboards have been wiped clean, books and supplies rest silently in the darkened closets. The lights have been turned out in our schools as they have unleashed our children on the world for summer break. Late nights and early mornings lead to lazy days filled with hours of play, the job of entertaining and the need to referee as siblings get bored and take up their favorite past time of aggravating and instigating.

The invading army of my sweet babies take over every aspect of my days as they descend on my once quiet space and Mommy Duty kicks in to full swing. I may be an explorer, content to crawl around in forgotten places and walk the abandoned halls of long lost locations as my creative mind works together with what I am seeing to form the stories I love to share, but Mommy pulls rank and the Summer months prove to be a difficult time to continue what I love.  My camera is forgotten in trade of the fort building expedition I’ve been called to, my boots are only brought out when someone’s frisbee has gotten caught in a mud pit and the use of my pens are used for making Tic Tac To boards and keeping score on the moment’s favorite board game.

I welcome any rare chance spent exploring or in front of my keyboard writing, but until the School Bell rings on the first day of school, until bed times return to normal and alarms bring early mornings and the squealing of the bus brakes, any glimpses into the world of exploring will be sparse as I fully enjoy my ride through Parenthood. Though they may be able to slow me down I will never stop writing, so whether I’m wiping up ice cream faces, making Play-Do animals or cleaning the marker off the window no one wants to confess to, I’ll be happy to write at a slower pace than none at all. Happy Summer 🙂

© Olivia Wolfe~2012